Reconciling human beings and N
Tradition & Innovation in the plant world, and to heal and protect human beings’ health
… and how to regain dynamism of awareness, trust, balance and happiness.
Sophie CHATELIER Nice, 2018

Surrounded by Celtic roots at lardboard and stardoard, bo
In 2012, in the South of France, I started my path towards Beauty and Health through flowers, trees, plants, with a totally aware and confident attitude.
In compliance with the emerging demand of serious and effective natural treatments, I created a brand and developed 100% natural products, respectfully and sustainably handmade with plants collected in the wild and from local biodynamic crops.
The majority of my plants comes from France, namely from the Alpes-maritimes, from Corsica and Brittany or from beehives.
Plants and only plants to be used: who for ? what for ? an
A daily use aimed at: activating digestive functions for better health conditions, boosting the immun
Natural beauty, here comes the secret
Thanks to La Nouvelle Herboristerie, beauty products with 100% active and natural ingredients become basic and therapeutically successful !
Sublime and effective treatments for both face and body.
Thanks to the online shop service, your orders will be delivered home, both in France and Europe.
A Trophy to entrepreneurship
On October 1st 2014, I was awarded the UR-BGE Grand Sud Prize of women’s entrepreneurs – for the INNOVATION category, in the Docks des Sud - Marseille, in partnership with the City Council, the French Senate, the PACA Region and the Caisse des Dépôts.
Both the Nice harbor ACEC association and the Initiative Nice-Côte d’Azur network have actually supported me from the very beginning in my adventure with La Nouvelle Herboristerie.
My personal life path
Originally coming from a Briton family, both my grandmothers endowed me with the love for nature and plants. After being educated in the domain of political sciences, I experienced a 14 year period dealing with art, business and the communication media, in Paris and abroad.
My sports activities (dancing, martial arts, yoga) let me discover the importance of a healthy diet and a positive lifestyle to boost your performances, have a good feeling and be fit.

From 2006 on, in Paris besides my role as international attaché in the Agence France-Presse, I devoted myself to the study of botanic while learning the precious qualities of aromatic and medicinal plants (major in botanic, herbal medicine, aromatherapy); I was then awarded the ARH diploma (a Certificate as Phytologue-herboriste Plant scientist) by the Association for the Renewal of herbal practices, and a certification by the Bach Foundation (GB) to qualify as an advisor in Dr Bach flower essence Elixirs (International training programme on Fleurs de Bach, Paris, Vézelay).
In compliance with the emerging demand of reliable and effective natural treatments, I personally created 11 ranges of 100% natural products, eventually taking care of all the necessary French and U.E. regulatory procedures for them to be purchased on the market.
At the beginning of 2014 I opened my boutique (creative laboratory) in Nice, where the products of « La Nouvelle Herboristerie » are manufactured and where visitors are welcome and patients’ demands are privately and individually treated with great care.