
Deep Breathing flower water

Original price was: 23,00 €.Current price is: 19,00 €.

Lung cleanse flower water for breathing, irritated throat and vocal cord soothing. Crafted with the powerfully healing scented shoots and flowers of the main plants of South-East French areas, this Deep breathing flower water eases respiratory congestion, clearing the upper respiratory tract.

Perfect to be drunk on a daily basis, especially for those stressing their voice, such as singers, actors, broadcasters…and also regarding Covid follow ups.

Product details

  • 100 ml glass dropping bottle



How to use

Pour a tsp of Deep breathing flower water into a glass of water, and abundantly drink in any moment!

Recommended from 3 years of age on.


A blend of flower waters, noble bay-tree, wild lavender, hyssop, eucalyptus globulus

100% originally grown and ethically wild crafted organic plant blend. No added preservatives.

Additional products

Winter protection shieldthe best immune system booster.

Peak of the mountain herbal tea, a soothing remedy and a respiratory booster

Protection for the whole family (immune system booster), a soft scented fragrance to pour around  neck, solar plexus area and spinal column to build up a virtual scented shield perfect to fight all kinds of microbes.

Additional information

Weight 215 g
Choisissez une plante

Fleur d'oranger, Thym Sauvage, Menthe Poivrée, Lavande sauvage d'altitude


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