Lithothamnion – Lithothamne


Acidity during digestion? Inflammations ? Joint pain ? Damaged hair ? the 100 % natural solution is: 

lithothamnion !

This multi-property small red sea alga living on the seabed off the coasts of Brittany can contribute to your digestive wellbeing and help mineralize your body. A winning recipe for the whole family.

Product description

  • 100 g bag of pure powder
  • Long term storage


This Atlantic Ocean red sea alga not only has the property of crystallizing the mineral elements (calcium, magnésium, …) contained in seawater on its thallus but also uses its favorable digestive and anti acid properties for an easier digestion process and a body general comfort.

How to use

For a 3 week treatment, pour half tea spoon of solution into water or into your food every morning on a daily basis. Repeat if necessary before dinner.

Ask for advice to your  herb expert.


100 % lithothamnion powder from Brittany. Preservative free.

Calcium : 30,5 g – Magnésium : 2,5 g – Sodium : 371,2 mg – Fer : 144,3 mg – Potassium : 93,1 mg – Iode : 4,2 mg – Zinc : 3,6 mg.

Nutritional Values for 100 g : 454,8 kcal

Additional products

Mineral reinforcement (Renforcement minéral), the perfect fortifying, nourishing and softening treatment for any painful joints.

For those suffering from inflammatory disorders, a soothing product such as the ash tree body balm (Baume apaisant au frêne) is the ideal solution, oozing a scented fragrance into a wellbeing ritual.

Additional information

Weight 100 g